The Mission Statement of St. James Presbyterian Church:
Called by the Spirit to bear witness to Jesus Christ, the St. James Family of Faith gathers to worship, teach, nurture, serve and welcome all.
Presbyterians believe in God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and in Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who was both fully human and the incarnation of God on Earth. We believe God has been and is present in the world, today, and in believers everywhere through the Holy Spirit.
Through Jesus Christ, God has called the church to proclaim the good news of the Gospel: that hope is alive within this world because God is active in it, that God calls us to be our fullest selves as followers of Jesus, and that, through Jesus Christ, we have been given the gift of eternal life. Though we believe we are all sinful people, we rejoice that we are redeemed by grace, and therefore gratefully gather together to worship and serve God together.
At St. James we strive, together, to be Christ’s disciples in this world through worship, Bible study, prayer, giving of our money and time, and supporting Christian work around the world. We welcome you to join us on this exciting journey of faith.
Baptism and Communion
Sacraments are rituals through which ordinary, everyday things are used to show a much deeper truth, an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace. The Presbyterian Church recognizes the two sacraments found in the Bible: baptism and communion.
- Baptism is an initiation into the Church, the body of Christ. In Baptism, we participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection, dying to that which separates us from God and rising to new life in Christ. Because baptism is a public recognition of God’s action (grace) on behalf of humans, Presbyterians baptize both children and adults.
- Communion, also known as the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper, is our shared meal, through which we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Presbyterians believe that, through Communion, ordinary bread and juice are transformed so that they nourish not only our bodies, but also our souls, drawing us closer to God through the Holy Spirit. Through the Lord’s Supper, believers are renewed and empowered, sustained by Christ’s undying love and continuing presence and sealed in God’s covenant of grace.
At St. James, Communion is observed on the first Sunday of each month and on other special occasions. Communion is available to all who love and serve Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.
Welcome to St. James!
St. James is a warm and welcoming church located in Jenks, Oklahoma. We are a dynamic Christian community that gladly invites all people into a transformational experience of faith, boldly proclaims the gospel, bravely works toward a whole and just world, and passionately nurtures discipleship.
We invite you to join us for worship, fellowship, or one of our many study or service opportunities.
years since founding