St. James Presbyterian Church
All are invited to gather at St. James to worship on Sunday mornings 10:30 a.m. Our vision of worship at St. James is refreshingly traditional, musically alive, deeply biblical and joyfully intergenerational. Our service is centered in the reading of scripture and preaching, and in sharing the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each service features hymns, anthems, and other music that reflect the church’s faith and musical styles from ancient to modern times.
Our congregation comes from a variety of backgrounds and from areas all across Tulsa and adjoining Counties. Our dress represents this variety and people wear everything from ties to polo shirts and from pumps to sandals.
For directions to the church, please click here
Childcare is available during all worship services and the Sunday School hour.
St. James provides members and visitors with safe, secure, dependable childcare. We believe that a child begins to develop his or her first images of God as early as infancy. As children grow, a sense of natural comfort is developed and church becomes a second home. St. James employs a paid nursery worker who provides consistency and dependability needed for our youngest children, as well as St. James members who have been specifically trained and are bound by our Child Protection Policy.
Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are located in the Education Wing across the Hallway and Education Hall from the Sanctuary. We offer infant (12 months and younger) and toddler (younger than three) care during the education hour, 9:30–10:30 a.m., and during worship, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Music has always held a special role in the life of the church; it has the power to elevate our thinking, transcend language, and allow us to connect to God in a unique way. The music ministry at St. James strives to give glory to God, to enhance worship, to provide an avenue for service, and to be a tool for sharing God’s love with the community..
Musical selections at St. James range from vibrant “traditional” music to more modern hymns and anthems.
St. James is committed to creating and maintaining musical opportunities for all ages and all are invited to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
St. James’ Adult Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 am in the Sanctuary, and assists in leading worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m., September through May.
No prior experience required, just a love of singing and a desire to lead the congregation in hymns and anthems
Childcare is available with advance notice.